1. Do not leave. Even if the accident seems to have caused little or no damage, you must stop. Leaving without asking if the other person is injured is illegal and considered a hit and run. If the owner of the damaged property or vehicle is not present, you must leave a note. 2. Call the police. The other driver may seem nice enough, but without police documentation, you have …Read More
Water Damage: the 10 minute check
Water damage can be costly and frustrating. The Insurance Information Institute explains in this video how homeowners can perform a 10 minute check for water damage.
Dog Bites: coverage and costs
What has four legs and accounts for more than one-third of homeowners insurance liability claims? Dogs, or more specifically dog bites. Insurance Coverage for Dog Bites Homeowner and renters insurance policies typically limit dog bite liability, commonly to $100,000 to $300,000 per claim. Dog owners are responsible for any damages above their coverage limit. In addition, once a dog has bitten someone, insurance companies can make demands on the homeowner …Read More